Habitat for Humanity Red Deer promotes and encourages a world where everyone has a decent place to live.

Habitat Red Deer Homeowners
Habitat Red Deer Homeowners are your neighbours, friends, family, co-workers, and community members. We asked each family to share their story as they journey into homeownership. We hope you enjoy learning more about each family.
The Affordable Homeownership Program
Habitat Red Deer has helped families in Central Alberta with lower incomes obtain affordable housing through the Affordable Homeownership Program. We build new homes in partnership with qualified local trade partners, with the support of volunteer labour and donations of materials and funds. Upon completion, the homes are sold to the selected family at their appraised value. In the Affordable Homeownership Program, homeowners pay a no-downpayment and interest-free mortgage, with payments based on their gross family income.
Benefits and Eligibility Criteria
Learn more about the basic eligibility requirements for Habitat for Humanity Red Deer's Affordable Homeownership program and the benefits of bringing a Habitat Homeowner.
The Buy Back Program
Habitat Red Deer's Buy Back Program is part of our Affordable Homeownership program. The Buy Back Program helps support the Affordable Homeownership program. It allows us to serve families in Central Alberta by having the option to repurchase an existing Habitat-built home from a family who is ready to move on.​
How to Apply
Have you read the eligibility criteria and are now interested in applying to become a Habitat homeowner? You can get more information here about future Family Information Sessions.